Build & Check-in the Transmittal
Once you are happy with the recipients and documents you can submit it to the vault, which will create a transmittal object in PentagonDocs Assistant with an automatically generated name based on your configured naming convention.
To submit a transmittal, click the ‘Transmittals’ button in the task area to open the ‘Transmittals’ dialog. Then click the ‘Build and Check-in’ button in the ribbon:
A Transmittal Details Dialog will be shown with the ‘Details’ tab selected. The Transmittal Build and Check In process is run on the server, and a message is shown explaining this and that the dialog may be closed at this point:
If you click ‘OK’ on the message, you can also click ‘OK’ on the ‘Transmittals Details’ dialog to dismiss it. If you leave the dialog open you can view the progress of the build and check in process until its completion: