PDA - PDF Processor
PDF Processor Application
The Pentagon PDF processor has been designed to enable fast workflows by allowing specific text on a drawing or document to be automatically edited as part of a workflow without having to revert to the originating application. This is very useful in industries where the approval process requires additional data to be added to the document such as the status, approver's initials, publishing purpose, etc.
Other systems require you to identify zones on a PDF that contain the text to change. This is limiting as:
- You need to manually teach it where the text is for every template you use
- You need to link the output document to the template so that the editor knows where to look
- Scaling causes problems. For example if a user creates PDFs of the same document at differing paper sizes
With Pentagon's PDF processor the details of the original text are harvested from the source document (Revit parameters and AutoCAD atributes) and are then embedded in the PDF. As each PDF knows where its text is, users can select multiple drawings with differing scales and papers sizes and then batch edit them.
Pentagon Help resources:
Help for specific Applications: (these will open in a new browser window)
Notifications Processor (you are here)