PDA - Notifications Processor
Notifications Processor Application
The Notifications Processor Application adds support for enhanced Notifications to be sent from Workflow states
This application allows users to perform the following operations
- Send Notifications to any combination of the following
- M-Files Users
- M-Files User Groups
- Non M-Files Users / External Email Addresses
- Define Notification Templates
- Supports HTML tags
- Supports Images
- Supports Inserting Placeholders from M-Files
- Attach associated object file(s) to the notification
- All files
- Filter for a specific file format
- Notification Grouping
- Allows multiple notifications to be combined in to a single message
- Attach documents to notifications
Pentagon Help resources:
PentagonDocs Assistant Assistant
Help for specific Applications: (these will open in a new browser window)
Notifications Processor (you are here)