The Configurator allows you to select: which vaults to file to, which class to use for the messages, how to map email fields to M-Files properties and whether to link email addresses to contacts in M-Files. 

NOTE: When you run the PentagonMail Assistant installer it checks whether M-Files is installed and and will then install support for M-Files but as most users will never need access to the configuration tool, it is not installed by default. So make sure you have M-Files installed and then if necessary re-run the PentagonMail Assistant installer and ensure that it also installs the Configurator

TIP: We recommend that you only install the Admin Tools on those computers that need to configure the software

You can then select which vaults to deploy to by checking the boxes next to those that need PentagonMail Assistant, then select Install.

NOTE: If no vaults are listed take a look at the Troubleshooting section on how to install it manually.

Once installed, you can then use the Configurator to configure vaults. See the section on Creating an M-Files Group to learn how to do this.

NOTE: There is no server-side code. The configuration process purely writes some data into M-Files named value storage.