General - PDF Rendition Settings

The General PDF Rendition Settings determine how the PDF is generated. These settings have an impact on the PDF format, file size, quality and functionality.

Settings Overview

The sections below give a brief overview of each of the General configuration options.

PDF File Settings

PDF Version

Determines which version of the PDF format is used for export. Versions 1.0 to 1.7 are supported.

Enable Layer Support

Determines whether layer support is enabled. When this option is selected, layers will be added to the generated PDF file.

NOTE: PDF Version 1.5 or higher is required for layer support.

Include Off Layers

When this option is selected, all layers are exported, and the PDF file will contain the same quantity of layers as the original drawing (hidden layers are also exported). 

When not selected, only visible layers are exported, and the resulting PDF file doesn't contain hidden layers.

Linearise PDF

A PDF file can be partly processed meaning any portion of the file (e.g. page, link or picture) can be accessed without downloading and reading other elements of the document. 

This technology for PDF files is similar to streaming audio or video and is called linearisation. It provides fast incremental access to PDF data. Linearisation has the following advantages:

  • Fast downloading and rendering of a PDF document even for slow connections and big files (because of skipping unnecessary parts when reading data). 
  • Quick navigation through the document. 
  • Quick application of embedded fonts. 
  • Reaction to user actions (for example, clicking a link) without waiting for the entire page to be processed. 

To obtain these advantages, select this option. 

Enable Compression

The Enable Compression setting determines whether data compression is used during PDF export. If selected, the internal PDF compression algorithm is used. Data compression reduces the size of the output PDF file.


When selected, the drawing data is written to the PDF file stream in hexadecimal format. This makes the output PDF file compatible with hex-editors. 

Export Hyperlinks

Enable exporting hyperlinks to the output PDF file.

Enable Measuring Scale

Determines whether the measuring scale is implemented for the entities in the output PDF file.

PDF Background Colour

Sets the Background colour of the output PDF file.

Colour Policy

  • No Policy – No colour policy is used. A drawing is exported with its native colour palette (as is).

  • Mono – Drawing is exported to a monochrome PDF file.

  • Grayscale – Drawing is exported to a grayscale PDF file. Native colours are converted into grayscale. 

Vectorisation and Rendering

Zoom to Extents Mode

Determines whether the exported drawing is in the Zoom to Extents mode. 

If selected, the layout geometry will be zoomed to the paper size, otherwise layout settings will be applied.

Enable Simple Geometry Optimisation

Determines whether simple geometry optimisation is used when a drawing is exported to a PDF file. Simple geometry optimisation uses a more effective mechanism of drawing document elements (drawing one polyline instead of several separated segments, Bezier curve control points, and so on). 

E.g. if optimisation is not used, a rectangle is drawn with four commands: one for each line. When optimisation is used, a rectangle is drawn with a single command, thus reducing the overall size of the output file.

Use Hidden Line Removal Algorithm

Determines whether software vector hidden-line removal (HLR) is used to delete hidden lines during the export process for corresponding viewports.

Enable Transparency

Determines whether Layer Transparency is supported when generating the output PDF file.

Merge Crossing Line Colours

Determines whether the colours of crossing lines are merged.

When you have configured the General PDF settings, click 'OK' or 'Apply' to save the changes.

Also See

PDF Rendition Settings - Advanced