Despite the seemingly endless methods of communications, industry experts agree that 95% of business communication remains via email. Those emails remain in your inbox, so if you are off sick or on holiday the messages are inaccessible to others. If you leave the business, your messages are completely inaccessible or at best, hard to find. a better approach is to file the messages into places that make sense to your organisation, that way anyone can get to them if they need to. Pentagon Mail makes it really easy to file messages and then find them quickly and easily.
Where can you file messages?
Pentagon Mail can file messages to either M-Files or Windows file system folders. Typically these will have been set up for you, but if you have permissions you can create your own filing locations too.
and Windows folders
It's easy - just File & Search
With Pentagon Mail you will learn 90% of what you need to know in the first few minutes - it's that easy and what's more it learns your behaviours and will guide you on where to file messages, saving you time and making the whole process fast and easy.
Mobile working
Whether your role requires you to work whilst on trains, planes or from hotels and places with poor internet connectivity, Pentagon Mail works the same, allowing you to both file and search for messages when disconnected from the internet and your office.
Now you know why filing is important, take a look at the Quick Start section on Filing.