The indexer's Settings dialogue provides two facilities:

  1. Control over the speed of the indexer
  2. Control whether all locations are indexed or only those that are used by you

The Settings menu is greyed out when the indexer is running. To access the Settings dialogue, select Stop Indexing.

NOTE: If the indexer is busy it can take a moment for it to stop - be patient

The default speed is 'Medium' but you can change it to either: one of the other pre-set speeds or create your own by selecting 'Custom' and then adjusting the Advanced Settings.

Index Used Locations Only

By default Pentagon Mail will index only the locations that you have used i.e. you have filed to them or searched them. If yours is a small business you may wish to un-check this option so that all locations are indexed. This can be useful for senior-level staff who don't file to all locations but need to be able to search them.

Advanced settings

WARNING: Be careful to ensure that the data types of the fields in SharePoint match those of the data you are inserting. For example the Sent date requires a data type of 'date'

Process Priority

This controls the priority that Windows assigns to the indexing process. It is recommended that you keep this at Idle but if your machine needs to index a large volume of data quickly, you could temporarily set this higher. When set to Idle, individual indexing processes will only start when your machine is idle.

Indexing Threads

The indexer can check multiple locations at a time if multiple processing threads are assigned to undertake the task; so with 8 threads it can index 8 locations at the same time.

Commit Threshold

The system uses a 'crawler' to find the new messages for adding to the index. Adding them one by one would be very inefficient so the commit threshold is the number of messages that the crawler should gather before committing them to the database.

NOTE: When the crawler finishes checking each location it will commit what it has found regardless of the Commit Threshold. So if a location has only one new message it will still commit the data from that message into the index before moving to the next location

Location Thread Sleep

The indexer can run very fast but it could then dominate your machine and swallow available resources. The Location Thread Sleep inserts pauses into its activities so that it can't swamp your machine. The time is in milliseconds, so a value of 500 inserts a pause of 0.5 seconds between each thread's indexing activities.