Advanced - PDF Rendition Settings

The Advanced PDF Rendition Settings provide greater control on how Text, Hatches and Images are rendered in the generated PDF. 

NOTE: These settings have an impact on the PDF file size, quality and functionality.

Settings Overview

The sections below give a brief overview of each of the Advanced configuration options.

Font and Text Settings

Embedded True Type Fonts

When selected, embedded fonts are used for text display. Using embedded fonts results in a larger PDF file size, but guarantees that the text can be correctly displayed in the output PDF file. 
When not selected, the font must be installed on the viewers system for the text to display correctly in the output PDF file.

Embedded True Type Font Optimisation

The Embedded TTF Optimization option reduces the size of the output PDF file by removing unused parts of the fonts (for example, characters that are never used in the text). However, embedded font optimization restricts editing abilities of the resulting PDF file.

True Type Fonts as Geometry

Text from the original drawing can be exported to PDF either with geometry (when symbols are drawn as collections of primitives) or with internal facilities of the PDF format. 

When selected True Type Fonts are converted to geometry.

SHX Fonts as Geometry

Text from the original drawing can be exported to PDF either with geometry (when symbols are drawn as collections of primitives) or with internal facilities of the PDF format. 

When selected SHX Fonts are converted to geometry.

Searchable Text

Determines whether the text from the original drawing can be searched in the output PDF file. The option is only valid for SHX or TTF text exported as geometry. 

The option can be set to one of the following values:

  • No Search - No searchable text is in the output PDF file.

  • SHX Fonts will be searchable - Text displayed with SHX fonts will be searchable if 'SHX Fonts as Geometry' option is checked.

  • TTF Fonts will be searchable - Text displayed with TTF fonts will be searchable if 'True Type Fonts as Geometry' option is checked.

  • SHX & TTF Fonts will be searchable - Text displayed with both SHX and TTF fonts will be searchable if the appropriate text is exported as geometry. 

Hatch Settings

Hatch Export Resolution (DPI)

Resolution for images created during hatch export (in dots per inch, DPI). This setting only applies to Hatches exported as Bitmaps. Larger DPI settings results in better image quality and larger PDF file size.

Export Solid Hatches using

  • Bitmap - The result of exporting a hatch as a bitmap looks smoother than as a vectorizer and often has a smaller output file size. The output file size strongly depends on the DPI (Dots Per Inch) resolution specified for the export process. Increasing DPI provides better quality but a larger output file.

  • Drawing - Divides the hatch into many triangles; each can contain its own color. This leads to a larger output file size and decreases the quality of the hatch.

  • PDF Paths - Results in a smaller .pdf file size than other methods and avoids distortion of graphical elements. This algorithm exports only the outer loop of the hatch and then fills this loop with the appropriate color. 

Export Gradient Hatches using

See Export Solid Hatches

Export Other Hatches using

See Export Solid Hatches

Image Settings

Image Cropping

Determines how clipped images are exported. An image can be clipped by a clipping boundary (for example, by a boundary of a page in a .pdf file or by a viewport boundary). If the option is checked, then only the visible part of the image is exported. Otherwise the full image is exported which will result in a larger PDF file. 

DCT Compression

Determines whether the DCT compression (Discrete Cosine Transform) algorithm is used for exporting images. If the option is checked, then DCT compression is used to significantly reduce the size of the output PDF file. 

DCT Compression Quality

Determines the quality of the DCT image compression. This value is applied only if the DCT Compression option is checked. The range is between 0 and 100, with lower values resulting in greater compression and smaller PDF file size. Higher values improve image quality resulting in larger PDF file size.

Colour Resolution (DPI)

Resolution for exported color and grayscale images (in dots per inch, DPI). Larger DPI settings results in better image quality and larger PDF file size.

Monochrome Resolution (DPI)

Resolution for exported monochrome images (in dots per inch, DPI). Larger DPI settings results in better image quality and larger PDF file size.

When you have configured the Advanced PDF settings, click 'OK' or 'Apply' to save the changes.

Also See

PDF Rendition Settings - General