Quick Start - Search

To start the search tool, click Search.


To get started quickly all you need to know are:

  • Keyword searching
  • Filtering columns

The search provides other powerful features that you can explore at a later date.

Keyword searching

The keyword search works in the same way as Google's search; just type the words that you are looking for.

Filtering Columns

At the top of each column are 2 rows with a grey background. The top one shows the name of the column; in this example it's Subject, and the row below it is where you can type to filter on just that column.


So if you know the message is from a person, type part of their name in the 'From' column.

TIP: Clicking the top of a column will cause the list to be sorted by that column, clicking again will reverse the sort order

If the column you want is not visible, click Choose Columns and drag the column to where you want it:

You now know the essentials and can start using PentagonMail Assistant, if you wish to learn more about the powerful search features we recommend you take a look at the Search sections in this help documentation.