PentagonMail Assistant files messages into SharePoint 'Document Libraries'. Most businesses will have a small number of document libraries which will each have sub-folders to organise the information into: Projects, Clients, matters, etc. You can have as many Document Libraries as you need but will need to create a separate PentagonMail Assistant Group file for each library.

Each Group can have as many filing locations as you need. In the example below we have configured one Group for the Document Library called 'Docs & Email Library'. Whilst the library may have many sub-folders we have configured just 3 of them for email filing.

Whilst Document Libraries normally have the default columns (or fields) of: Name, Modified, Modified By, you can also add your own and you may want PentagonMail Assistant to add data to these.

Emails have fields for: Subject, To, From, Sent date, etc. If you want see these fields automatically populated in SharePoint you can create them with whatever column names that you prefer and then map them via PentagonMail Assistant to the appropriate email properties. PentagonMail Assistant will then update the fields in SharePoint upon filing.

You DO NOT need to add these fields to your Document Libraries, it's just an option that some businesses may find useful.