The Email settings allow the configuration of the SMTP server as well as notification processing interval.

Upon selection of this tab, you are presented with configuration options as shown below. These settings can be edited and applied using the buttons in the bottom right corner.

NOTE: Please ensure you have your SMTP server settings before proceeding.

TIP: We recommend you also configure the M-Files Notification Settings detailed in the M-Files User Guide

Email Settings - SMTP Server

 SMTP Server

 IP address or FQDN of the SMTP server

 SMTP Server Port

 Port the SMTP server operates on

 Senders email address

 Email address that Notifications are sent FROM this will be the address the recipient will see as the sender

 SMTP server requires authentication

 If your SMTP server requires authentication, this must be selected

 Use encrypted connection (SSL/TLS)

 If your SMTP server requires SSL, then this must be selected


 Username used if SMTP server requires Authentication


 Password used if SMTP server requires Authentication


 This option is only used when Sending a test email using the the Send test email button

 Senders display Name

 Name to display in notification email in place of the email address

Email Settings - Processing Options

 Interval (seconds)

 Frequency in seconds that the Notifications are processed.

 Changing will impact how many notifications are grouped together for before processing the notifications and sending them.