By default the notifications processor use SQLite for managing and storing notifications, optionally SQL server can be used instead.

Database Settings - SQL Server

These settings only apply if the SQL Server option is ticked


 IP address or FQDN of the SQL server

 Database Name

 The Default database name is Notifications this can be altered if it will conflict with existing services.


 Username to use for SQL Authentication


 Password to use for SQL Authentication

 Test Connection

 It is recommend to test the connection to the SQL server prior to saving any changes to the database setup.

 Create Tables

 If this is a new instance of SQL Server, Notification tables will need to be created before the Notifications processor can operate correctly.

Database Settings - SQLite (Default)

 Database Path

 By default the Database files will be stored in C:\ProgramData\Pentagon DOCS\Notifications\Database 

 This path can altered to more convenient location if required

 Test Connection

 Allows checking the database connection

 Create Tables

 Used to recreate the database tables if required