Automated Client Installation
PentagonDocs Assistant modules can be deployed silently without user interaction via the MSIEXEC command. Adding command-line options to the MSIEXEC command provides control over what is installed.
PentagonDocs Assistant CAD/BIM Client installation:
Msiexec /i "PentagonDocs Assistant Client Install (x64).msi" ADDLOCAL=featureName
Where featureName is and of the following (you can specify multiple if you separate them with commas)
- featureACADIntegration
- featureRevitIntegration
- featurePDFPrinerDriver
- featureTransmittalDependencies
- featureAdminUtility
All features should be installed on a typical install:
Msiexec /i "PentagonDocs Assistant Client Install (x64).msi" ADDLOCAL=featureACADIntegration,featureRevitIntegration,featurePDFPrinerDriver,featureTransmittalDependencies,featureAdminUtility /quiet
PentagonDocs Assistant DWG Viewer:
Msiexec /i "PentagonDocs Assistant DWG PreviewHandler.msi" ADDLOCAL=featureName
Where featureName is use the following:
- featureDWGiewer (This is a known spelling typo in PentagonDocs Assistant DWG PreviewHandler 4_1_3_0 that will be fixed in subsequent versions)
Typical install:
Msiexec /i "PentagonDocs Assistant DWG PreviewHandler.msi" ADDLOCAL=featureDWGiewer /quiet
M-Files Client installation:
Please refer to the M-Files Advanced User's Guide.