M-Files assignment notifications are handled by an inbuilt rule within M-Files server. 

This rule cannot be influenced by normal M-Files administration, nor can the PentagonDOCS Notification Processor alter its behavior, specifically the Notifications processor is unable to Group these notifications, this may result in M-Files users receiving multiple assignment notifications. 

If it is desired that assignment notifications are to be grouped together the built in assignment notification rule must be disabled by setting the following registry key:

Registry Key:         HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Motive\M-Files\<version>\Server\MFServer

Value name:         BuiltInAssignedToRuleEnabled

Value type:         REG_DWORD (DWORD 32-bit Value)

Value data:         0 (Disabled)

This rule will disable built in assignment notifications for all vaults on the server