
Initially, a dialogue will present the templates that have been configured for use within PentagonDocs Assistant.

You can search the templates using the search window, Search and Clear Search buttons.

Once a template is selected, click ‘OK’. You will then be presented with the ‘Create New Drawing’ metadata card.

The new drawing metadata card is displayed. Fields with the asterisk are mandatory and will be used to name the new file in accordance with BS1192/ISO19650. Notice that the ‘Document Number’ field reads ‘(automatic)’.

Certain fields will be configured to show a list of possible values, drawn from metadata held in PentagonDocs Assistant, for example ‘Project ID’ and ‘Company’.

Other fields accept text entered manually, for example ‘Description’ and ‘Title 1’.

Once completed, selecting ‘Create’ will create a new drawing. When the drawing is opened in AutoCAD the title block information will be populated automatically as configured in PentagonDocs Assistant.


Open is used to open DWGs from the vault as shown below.

All the functionality of PentagonDocs Assistant is available so you can use views, the recently accessed/checked-out to me views, and the search functionality to find the file you would like to open.

To perform a quick-search, simply type the string in the search panel, at the top of the dialogue. Press the magnifying glass, or press return. 

Additionally, an advanced search is available by pressing


The Save button saves your changes to disk similar to the AutoCAD QSave command.

Save does not commit any changes back to PentagonDocs Assistant. See CheckIn