Filtering - advanced

Each column in the search window can be used to refine the results by applying a filter on its contents. For example if you know that the word 'meeting' is somewhere in the subject line of the message, type 'meeting' in the grey row below the 'Subject' column.

TIP: If the column you need is not shown, it may have been moved or hidden. See Adding and Removing Columns for details

You can filter on many columns at once and combine it with a keyword search.

In this example the keyword is 'marketing' and filters for 'Nicole' and 'meeting' have been applied to the All Parties and Subject columns.

The default filter type for columns containing text is 'contains' which looks like this

Most of the time you will be looking for messages that contain a keyword but sometimes you will know that it starts or ends with the text. The other filter types allow you to be particular.