By default the notifications processor use SQLite for managing and storing notifications, optionally a SQL server can be used instead.

Other Settings - Logging

These settings only apply if the SQL Server option is ticked

 Log Path

 The folder where the log files will be stored

 By default this is C:\ProgramData\Pentagon DOCS\Notifications\Logs

Other Settings - Log clean up process

 Delete Logs After

 How old logs files need to be before they are deleted

 Process Interval

 How often the process will check for old log files to remove

Other Settings - Database clean up process

 Delete Sent Notifications After

 How long old 'sent' notifications are kept in the database before being deleted

 Delete Failed Notifications After

 How long old 'failed' or 'errored' notifications are kept in the database before being deleted

 Process Interval

 How often the process will check for old notifications