Before you can use the Core Script Library, you need to install a valid license. A license file can be obtained from Pentagon and is linked to the M-Files installation via the M-Files License Serial Number (xxx-xxxxxxxx).

After installation, the Application has a status of 'No license is installed'. Each Vault with the Core Script Library Application will need to have a license added. the same license file can be used across multiple Vaults on the same M-Files server. to add a license to the a Vault, open the M-Files Admin tool on the server. Navigate to 'Connections to M-Files Servers\Local Computer\Document Vaults' then right-click on the Vault you wish to install the License too. From the context menu, select 'Applications'

In the Applications window, select the 'Pentagon DOCS Core Script Library' application then click the 'License' button as shown below:

Browse and select the License File (*.lic). Then click 'Open'. The License status, will change to 'The License is valid' provided everything is correct.

The Application window also shows the license as valid

Close the Applications window.